Video 1: Meet Your Negative Ego Self (and the Inner Critics)

In this video, we explore more on how, when moving toward the high vibration of our glorious future self and our soul purpose, we most definitely will hear in our head thoughts that are self-defeating, that are trying to hold us back. They think they are keeping us safe, but they actually are based in the Ego Self, which evolves into a chorus of Inner Critics.

It is helpful to:
1) Learn about the difference between the Higher Self and Ego Self. The Higher Self is kind and speaks in short, gentle (although sometimes firm) phrases. The Ego Self is long-winded and whiny and always looks for the worst.

We can better access the Higher Self by:
1) Practicing meditation and training the brain to let go of the negative thoughts
2) Doing things that tap into your creative, intuitive side like painting, dancing, exploring outdoors, or making something with your hands.
3) Calming the Ego Self by telling it you’re just exploring and not committing to anything (yet).
4) Listen to your first reaction, which is the voice of the Higher Self
5) And when the Ego Self comes back (as it will), we will recognize it as coming up with any possible excuse to hold us back.
If all else fails, just ask yourself, “Is this based on a fear?” You will find that underneath the stories, often there is a fear of the Ego Self.

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