Action: Vision Wall

Creating a vision wall is one of the most important things you can do in this class (and in your life!). It allows you to surround yourself with your visions of your life and your dreams for your future self. It's helpful to do a wall instead of a vision board because you see it whenever you walk by it. And the more you see it, the more you start to believe it, and then act on the dreams you have set out.

You can create your vision wall in conjunction with the writing reflection tool . If you do the writing first, add what you write to your vision wall! You can just use post-it notes! And you don't have to make it all at once (in fact it's better if you don't since ideas/inspirations will come to you over the coming weeks). You can keep adding to it. Adding pictures (a picture of your dream house, or the place you really want to travel to) is especially powerful since the imagery speaks to your subconscious mind. And don't worry about making it too elaborate! It can be nice to make it visually pretty and appealing (raises the vibration of it!). My vision wall is basically a bunch of random notes that popped into my head over 3-4 weeks up on my wall. The goal is to get specific (without putting names of things, unless you know you really want xxx job or live in xxx city, because you might just get it!).

Trust that you just need to get specific on how you want to feel, when you want to have this vision achieved by, what you want your life to look like, and how much money do you want to bring in doing this. And lastly, why you want this vision (to bring happiness, freedom, joy, excitement, or purpose, etc).

And dream big. Bigger than you think. You can even say/think something like, "I gratefully ask for these things to be brought into my life. This, or better than this."

Then, you can expand on this vision by making it surround you in other places. Write some key parts on a notecard and put it in your wallet, put your vision note up on your refrigerator, on your bathroom mirror, in your work space. Change your passwords to reflect your vision (like dreamjob, or creativelife, etc)! And start talking about it! The more places you see and experience what you are creating, the more it brings that vision into your actual reality!

The vision wall will be an ongoing work in progress, the crucial piece here is to just get started on it!

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